عد الأشياء تلقائياً من خلال الصور

تجنَّب تعب العد اليدوي من خلال تطبيق "CountThings from Photos" و هو أداة متخصصة و احترافية لهذا العمل

كيفية إستخدام التطبيق

اتجه الي جوجل بلاي لتحميل تطبيق "CountThings from Photos"  

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count things from photos,countthings from photos,count from photos,countthings,countthings from video,count things from photos for a mobile app,count from video,counting things from phone,count things from video,photo formatting,where are you from?,countthings.com,count things,count things app,automated counting,count things in hindi,counting,apps for counting,how to count,counting software,count things with a camera,hikvision counting,counting apps,cloud hosting,apps to automate your counting
إختار القالب الذي ترغب في إستخدامه

count things from photos,countthings from photos,count from photos,countthings,countthings from video,count things from photos for a mobile app,count from video,counting things from phone,count things from video,photo formatting,where are you from?,countthings.com,count things,count things app,automated counting,count things in hindi,counting,apps for counting,how to count,counting software,count things with a camera,hikvision counting,counting apps,cloud hosting,apps to automate your counting                 ثم اضغط التالي  (Next)  

count things from photos,countthings from photos,count from photos,countthings,countthings from video,count things from photos for a mobile app,count from video,counting things from phone,count things from video,photo formatting,where are you from?,countthings.com,count things,count things app,automated counting,count things in hindi,counting,apps for counting,how to count,counting software,count things with a camera,hikvision counting,counting apps,cloud hosting,apps to automate your countingاضغط "إلتقاط صورة جديدة (Take New hoto)  

count things from photos,countthings from photos,count from photos,countthings,countthings from video,count things from photos for a mobile app,count from video,counting things from phone,count things from video,photo formatting,where are you from?,countthings.com,count things,count things app,automated counting,count things in hindi,counting,apps for counting,how to count,counting software,count things with a camera,hikvision counting,counting apps,cloud hosting,apps to automate your countingصفحة بيضاء فارغة و خذ صورة حرف إكس أكثر من مرة على ارسم

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اضغط على الزرار بالأسفل لتحصل على تطبيق "CountThings from Photos"

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